In a recent survey 3,000 members of the British public were asked how our homes might look in the future.
Our homes today
The rise of home working and self-employment has meant that our homes are increasingly places of work and leisure. Currently 29% of home workers have a dedicated work space, with 32% working from their living room and 15% working from their bedrooms. Almost 70% of home workers used a laptop, reflecting the reduced popularity of desktop computers. 64% believed that home working would increase in the future.
Homes in five years’ time
With the proliferation of in-home technologies such as Hive, Amazon Echo and Google Home it is perhaps surprising that only 26% believed that these devices would be present in all of our homes. 27% thought that smart screens and TVs capable of making video calls would feature throughout their homes.
Homes in 10 years’ time
In the next decade continued demands on the electricity network are predicted to increase demand sustainability solutions such as solar power. 25% of people believed that the electricity would struggle to meet energy demands 2028. Almost 20% believe that our homes will be substantially constructed from sustainable materials such as solar panels, storm resistant technology and recyclable building materials.
Homes in 20 years’ time
Currently, 19% felt that their homes were already fairly crowded, often containing family members from several generations. However, 38% believed that this situation would only worsen over the next 20 years. Equally, 30% thought that our homes would be getting more crowded, necessitating even more use of multipurpose rooms and spaces. So, in the future we may see taller buildings, with more use of loft space, basements, more open plan areas and increased use of garden outbuildings.
With a number of companies currently developing concepts such as 3D printed homes and modular construction, it is likely that innovative building techniques will increasingly influence design. (See also our Housebuilders ‘innovating and investing’ to improve supply post).
LSL Land & New Homes are specialists in the New Home field. We work with developers to identify suitable land and to establish the right development mix to meet the needs of their target market. Our experienced Land and New Homes team can help at every stage of the development process. Get in touch to see how we can help...